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Hawaiʻi School Facilities Authority Home Page

Hawaiʻi School Facilities Authority


  • The Hawaii School Facilities Authority (HISFA) is a state agency established in 2020-21 and authorized in 2022-24 to build (1) Preschools, (2) School Modernization Central Maui and (3) Workforce Housing.


  • Historically in Hawaii planning, design and construction of public schools were shared between the Department of Education (DOE) and the Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS).  Those functions were consolidated in the DOE for accountability by Act 51 Reinventing Education Act of 2004.
  • The idea for a separate HISFA evolved from efforts by legislators dating back to 2013 with the passage of Act 155, a pilot program for the DOE to redevelop three public school land sites in public-private partnerships (P3s) to generate revenue for education.  No sites were started by the DOE.
  • Further changes are underway.  Act 72 (2020) established the HISFA.  Act 271 (2021) clarified HISFA powers and responsibilities.  Act 61 (2023) authorized the HISFA board to appoint the executive director.


  • Using industry standards, innovative designs, latest construction methods, maintainability of buildings and sensible budgets, HISFA programs construct modern learning and living environments for Hawaii’s public school system.
  • Examples: New Mexico, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Arizona, NYCSCA, and California

Timeline and Plan

Learn about the origins of the Hawaii School Facilities Authority and how it strives to create modern learning and living environments.

Our Projects

The Hawaiʻi School Facilities Authority strives to establish high-quality educational facilities to strengthen and foster connections between communities and families in Hawaiʻi.

Fern Elementary

Expanding Pre-k Access

Access to affordable and high-quality early child care and education is vital to the well-being of children, families, and the community. Unfortunately, the challenges families face today in accessing childcare services consist of costs, lack of available seats, physical access…

Read More Expanding Pre-k Access →
Bill Signing Group Photo

Teacher Housing

On July 3, 2023, Governor Josh Green, M.D. signed into law Act 172, SLH 2023 to help address the challenges of recruiting and retaining teachers in Hawaiʻi. The School Facilities Authority is tasked to construct affordable housing as a means…

Read More Teacher Housing →

The Hawaiʻi School Facilities Authority values its relationship with its consultants, contractors, and vendors. If you are interested in partnering with the HISFA in providing high-quality goods and services, please visit our procurement page to view current solicitation notices and opportunities.

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Board Meetings

Hawaiʻi School Facilities Authority board meetings are typically held once a month every first Tuesday at 8:30 am HST. All members of the public are invited to attend.


The next meeting has not been posted yet, please check back soon.

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Jun 4 Tue 9:00 am
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